4 mistakes new drivers should avoid

4 mistakes new drivers should avoid

Learning to drive can be a fulfilling experience. It helps one become self-reliant to commute to different places. However, since a driver is single-handedly in control of the vehicle, driving requires utmost alertness and quick reaction time to avoid accidents. Thus, in addition to mastering the technicalities of driving, new drivers should devote time to understand road safety and traffic rules. Here are some common mistakes new drivers should avoid to ensure road safety:

Ignoring speed limits
Reports suggest that out of a cumulative 38,824 fatalities in 2020, 11,258 were caused by vehicle speeding. Statutory speed limits have been established by individual state legislatures for specific types of roads, based on factors like pedestrian movement, traffic flow, and roadway design. Hence, new drivers should cultivate the habit of always looking for sign boards with specified speed limits and following them diligently.

Speaking on the phone while driving
A common misconception of drivers is that speaking over the phone through a hands-free medium while driving is safe. Although using the medium may be a better alternative to holding the device, a phone conversation can divert one’s attention from auditory cues by other drivers. Moreover, studies have shown that low-level electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones can affect brain activity. Hence, one should avoid calling or receiving phone calls to the best extent possible while driving.

Texting while driving
The American Automobile Association found that engaging in mobile-phone activities like texting accounted for 12% of crashes nationwide. Besides involving the use of one or both hands while driving, texting can be extremely distracting, as one needs to actively interpret the messages received and reflect on suitable responses.

Not wearing a seat belt
Having one’s seat belt fastened can help one remain safe and secure inside the vehicle during a crash. Individuals seated on the driver and passenger seats should fasten lap and shoulder seat belts to prevent violent jerks in case a sudden brake is applied. Moreover, drivers should also ensure that passengers in the backseat fasten their belts to reduce the risk of injuries and jerky movements.

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