5 potential negative effects of using a bad mattress

5 potential negative effects of using a bad mattress

One of the most important pieces of equipment to facilitate a good night’s sleep is a mattress. However, if you’re not using the right mattress, or if your mattress is too old, it could harm you in ways you probably can’t imagine. Numerous studies show that mattresses are responsible for poor sleep and a range of health problems. Here, we discuss some ways in which a mattress can negatively affect your overall health.

It can trigger allergies

When a mattress gets old, it tends to attract dust mites. These microscopic creatures live off dead skin cells and thrive in a warm environment. People who are allergic to dust mites can experience coughing, sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy eyes. Dust mites are especially problematic for people with asthma, as they can trigger shortness of breath, chest pain, and wheezing.

It can cause pain

Not using the right mattress can lead to pain in the back, neck, and joints. Back pain occurs when the mattress is excessively soft or saggy and doesn’t support your spine. A mattress with many lumps and saggy parts can contribute to neck pain. If your mattress is too firm, on the other hand, it can cause joint pain.

It can result in night sweats

Night sweat refers to excessive sweating while asleep. Although several health conditions can cause night sweat, one factor that is often overlooked is the mattress. If your mattress is made of material that can trap heat, it can cause excessive sweating. It’s advisable to choose a mattress that promotes airflow and dissipates heat.

It can promote snoring

An old mattress or one that doesn’t support the body properly can put excess pressure on your airways, contributing to snoring. While snoring sometimes may not be a severe problem, it can decrease sleep quality and disrupt the sleep of those around you.

It can contribute to obesity

An uncomfortable or old mattress can result in a lack of sleep, making you binge eat or overeat. This can lead to obesity. Besides, quality sleep helps burn off a few calories, so it’s important to choose a mattress that helps you get good sleep.

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