7 alarming pain symptoms that shouldn’t be ignored

7 alarming pain symptoms that shouldn’t be ignored

Pain is a natural response of the body that alerts one of potential harm or injury. While some types of pain are normal and can be easily treated with natural or holistic home remedies, there are certain types of pain that may be severe or persistent. These pains may be signs or causes of underlying health conditions that require immediate medical attention. Certain types of pain that one should never ignore are listed below.

Chest pain
Chest pain can indicate a heart attack or angina- a form of chest pain triggered by reduced blood flow to the heart. Chest pain can also indicate other severe conditions, such as a pulmonary embolism or aortic dissection.

Severe headache
Common causes of headaches include dehydration, lack of sleep, eye strain, or sinus infection. But when one experiences a severe or sudden headache or headaches accompanied by other symptoms like a stiff neck, vision changes, dizziness, or tingling on one side of the body, it may be a warning sign of underlying health concerns. Usually, severe headaches may result from a head injury, the onset of stroke, meningitis, low blood sugar, or more.

Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain can indicate various health conditions like appendicitis, ulcerative colitis, or a kidney stone. Therefore, consulting a healthcare professional is advised if one experiences severe or persistent abdominal pain.

Back pain
Severe or persistent lower back pain can indicate an underlying disease such as kidney stones or kidney infection. The pain can either be dull or sharp and can be accompanied by other symptoms like nausea and painful urination.

Unusually painful periods
Women who experience severe or abnormally painful periods may feel cramping, sharp pain, or a constant ache in their lower abdomen or back. The pain may accompany heavy bleeding or irregular periods and interfere with daily activities.

Joint pain
If joint pain does not seem to go away with home remedies like heating pads, ice packs, or warm baths and is accompanied by other symptoms like swelling or inability to use the joint, it is advised to consult a doctor. Such severe joint pain may be caused due to conditions like arthritis, lupus, or gout.

Painful urination
If one experiences pain while urinating, urination can be a warning sign of an underlying health issue like urinary tract infection (UTI), vaginitis, kidney infections, and bladder stones.

If one suffers from any of these painful sensations, it is advised to consult a healthcare professional immediately for prompt treatment and to prevent any underlying conditions from worsening.

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