7 side effects of not drinking enough water

7 side effects of not drinking enough water

More than half of the human body is made up of water. This fluid is indispensable in helping different organs carry out their functions correctly. Drinking less water can cause dehydration and contribute to several health conditions. To avoid complications, smartwatches and mobile apps have been developed to remind people to drink water regularly and stay hydrated. The following are a few common repercussions one may face due to less water intake.

Water helps food move through the gastrointestinal tract. When the body does not have sufficient water, it cannot perform this function effectively. As a result, individuals may experience hard stools or constipation.

Bad breath
Water helps produce saliva and destroy the bacteria inside the mouth, resulting in optimal oral hygiene. Dehydration hampers this process, leading to bad breath. The foul smell may not recede despite brushing regularly and practicing other oral care activities.

Skin problems
Although moisturizing and cleansing are essential skincare practices, they are typically ineffective if one does not drink enough water. Dry skin is among the most common symptoms of dehydration. The skin may appear sunken and dull, with dark circles underneath the eyes and chapped lips.

Dark-yellow urine
When a person is dehydrated, the kidneys try to conserve water in the body, which causes the urine to become darker in color. Thus, dark-yellow urine is a sign of less water intake.

Craving for high-sugar and high-carb foods
A sudden craving for foods high in sugar and carbs is another symptom of dehydration. When dehydrated, the body cannot utilize glucose to produce energy. Consequently, individuals may experience sudden cravings or hunger even after heavy meals.

Frequent headaches
Many individuals who are dehydrated experience severe and frequent headaches. Such headaches are often accompanied by other dehydration symptoms like dry mouth and fatigue.

Low water intake can cause extreme tiredness and fatigue. Water plays an essential role in supplying blood to the skin and regulating internal heat. When the body heats up, one may experience fatigue, muscle cramps, and dizziness.

Individuals who experience the signs of dehydration must drink more water. Other healthy fluids like soups, smoothies, and fresh fruit juices can also help replenish the body with the required water content and restore bodily functions.

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