7 signs of low blood sugar that impact health

7 signs of low blood sugar that impact health

Low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Usually, a level below 70 mg/dL is considered low, which is common in those with diabetes. However, consistently low blood sugar can affect various parts of the body, causing issues with cognitive function, nerves, cardiovascular health, kidney function, and vision. So, here are common signs of low blood sugar that impact health:

When blood sugar levels plummet, one may experience disorientation, confusion, or mental fog. This can impair the ability to think clearly, make decisions, and even recognize familiar surroundings or people. At times, this symptom can lead to a complete loss of awareness and might require immediate hospitalization. Managing hypoglycemia promptly by bringing up blood glucose levels is essential to restore mental clarity and prevent further disorientation.

Drop in energy levels
Glucose is converted into energy in the body, and cells in the body use this energy to function.  So, another common effect of low blood sugar is a sudden and dramatic decrease in energy, leaving one feeling fatigued, weak, and physically drained. 

Tremors and rapid heartbeat
When dealing with low blood sugar, the body may release adrenaline, which can cause muscle tremors and shakiness. The release of stress hormones like adrenaline also leads to an elevated heart rate.

Excessive sweating, especially when it is unrelated to physical exertion or heat, is a sign of hypoglycemia. Sweating can lead to dehydration, which can worsen the situation.

Headaches and dizziness
Hypoglycemia can lead to intense headaches and even cognitive impairment, which can affect the ability to focus or function. Further, one may feel dizzy or lightheaded and experience blurred vision. Untreated hypoglycemia can lead to unconsciousness, which requires immediate medical intervention.

Nightmares and hallucinations
A sudden drop in sugar levels while asleep can lead to nightmares or hallucinations when awake. This is because the low availability of cerebral glucose causes changes in brain function.

Sudden drops in sugar levels can interfere with the metabolism, causing nausea and even vomiting, which can further lower blood sugar and worsen the condition.

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