8 common cleaning mistakes to steer clear of

8 common cleaning mistakes to steer clear of

A clean and sanitized home not only makes the living space appealing but also reduces the chances of spreading germs or breeding diseases. The task may seem daunting, especially when one decides to tackle the entire cleaning endeavor in a single session. But if one is aware of the right cleaning techniques, it will not only make the process effective but also quick and easy. To achieve this, here are some cleaning mistakes to avoid.

Not cleaning frequently
Waiting until the mess becomes overwhelming can make the cleaning process more time-consuming and challenging. One should establish a cleaning schedule to prevent dirt and grime accumulation and have a consistently clean living space.

Disinfecting first
Cleaning clears out the dust, dirt, and debris while disinfecting eliminates germs. But applying disinfectants directly to surfaces before cleaning can diminish their effectiveness. To ensure optimal results, it is advisable to prioritize cleaning as the initial step followed by thorough disinfecting.

Using incorrect cleaning products
Selecting the wrong cleaning products for wrong tasks can cause subpar cleaning results and even damage. For example, using abrasive or corrosive cleaners on delicate surfaces like glass or tiles can cause irreparable harm. One is advised to follow the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning methods for optimal results.

Reusing dirty cleaning tools
Dirty cleaning tools including sponges, kitchen towels, bathroom cloths, and mop heads can spread more germs and become breeding grounds for bacteria. So, one should wash and disinfect these tools after every use or replace them when needed to prevent contamination.

Ignoring bin liners
Those who do not use bin liners find themselves grappling with a mess that extends beyond the garbage can, leading to additional cleaning efforts and an overall less sanitary disposal process.

Mixing cleaning chemicals
When chemicals like bleach and surface cleaners are mixed, they can react together and release toxic fumes. To stay safe, it’s essential to read the labels on cleaning products and follow the instructions carefully.

Using feather dusters
Feather dusters often transfer dust from one surface to another. A more effective alternative is using clean microfiber or damp cotton cloths, which capture and retain dust, ensuring a thorough and efficient cleaning process.

Ignoring appliances
Appliances such as ovens, microwaves, refrigerators, and even vacuum cleaners and washing machines can build up grease and grime over time. This can, in turn, reduce their efficiency and shorten their lifespan. So, it is important to clean these appliances from time to time.

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